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Investment Thesis

Digital Twins Capital is raising a Seed Stage Fund focusing on creating global champions via M&A and collaboration

Digital Twins is a VC focusing on identifying, investing and bringing faster to Exit similar start-ups in different regions by M&A

Digital Twins is focusing on 5 strategic cornerstones to maximize success and return


Digital Twins is looking for similar/complimentary start-ups and grow them to global champions

Digital Twins identified, that there are thousands of similar start-ups in different regions

Digital Twins will look for the best performing start-ups and merge / partner them with similar start-ups in different regions (synergies, scaling, etc.)

Digital Twins has the global reach (experts and partners) and is well connected in the US, Europe, Middle East, LATAM, and Asia 


Source: CB Insights

Why now? Regions show different needs for scaling start-ups; Digital Twins provides global approach and uses disruption momentum.


Digital Twins tackles regional specific needs by establishing a global investment approach

Digital Twins tackles regional specific needs by establishing a global investment approach

Trend fuelled by COVID-19 & Energy crisis (digitization and corporate disruption demanding for innovation all over the world)

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